Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Leroy TT Starts May 13

From Jim: 

The TT is Thursday evenings and starts at 6:30 promptly. We wait for no one.  If you need a long warm up, make sure you allow yourself time.

The course is approx. 7.8 miles and is an out and back.  Start and finish and parking are at the Leroy fire station on Leroy Center Rd. (map)

From Cleveland: Take I-90 to the Vrooman Rd exit.  Turn right (south) and go to the first stop sign.  That is Leroy Center Rd.  Turn left and the fire station is about 1/4 mile away on the right.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tour of the Valley

Carbon Racing has announced here that the Tour of the Valley prologue will once again be at the Mastropietro Winery this year. This was a perfect venue for last year's race and CRC is looking forward to visit at least 1 more time again this year.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Westlake Starts Tuesday, April 20

Racing is confirmed to start 4/20/2010. Parking lot available starting at 5:30 p.m. Registration from 5:45 - 6:20 p.m. B race off at 6:27 p.m. A race off at6:30 p.m. Entry is $12.00 again this season. Weather looks like it will be partly sunny and in the upper 50's with light winds from the North at start time. Restrooms at Roman Park are supposed to be already open for the season.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Westlake 2010 Announcement

Season start tentatively scheduled for April, 20.
There WILL be road construction this season, so we will have to take a 3-4 week summer vacation while Ranney Pkwy. and Westchester Pkwy. surfaces get milled, overlayed, and fresh asphalt.  There is a chance that Clemens Rd. up to Bassett Rd. will also be included. 
Dates of road work are unknown at this look for email updates, check Westlake results page at , or become a fan of Facebook Westlake Training Race Series for the latest information.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sperry Road Closed North of Arboretum

I just noticed today that Sperry Road, a popular road for cyclists, is closed 3.1 miles North of Kirtland Chardon Road. From the Lake County Engineer:
Lake County Engineer, James R. Gills, announced today that the Sperry & Booth Road Bridge Replacements and Intersection Improvement Project in the Village of Kirtland Hills will begin Monday, March 29, 2010. Cleveland based firm, Perk Company Inc, will perform the $1,457,777.00 project replacing the structurally deficient bridges over Pierson Creek and the East Branch of the Chagrin River including the intersection of these roadways with new structures, asphalt pavement, and drainage improvements. The project is significantly funded by federal monies and the Ohio Public Works Commission funds under grants, and is expected to be complete by December 3, 2010.